
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


There's a meaning behind the moniker.
Why did Kim Kardashian and Kanye West name their newborn daughter North, you might just be wondering?
Don't worry, we are too.
So far, they're not saying anything, or releasing any details or photos — shocking, for the media-loving Kardashian family, which has been otherwise relentlessly hyping their E! show Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Kris Jenner's new talk show.
But information is leaking out via E! about the baby. Apparently, the parents are informing everyone that that, "North means highest power."

According to E!'s unnamed source, West and Kardashian "look at her as being their highest point together," says a source. "Nothing is more special than North. Kim keeps saying, 'She is our North Star.' "
For those eager to learn more about Kardashian's pregnancy, watch it play out on this season of Keeping Up. The pregnant Kardashian cries a lot, calls West a lot, and worries about still being married to Kris Humphiries when her baby is born (thankfully, that was settled).

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