
Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Has TMZ been bullying Chris Brown? Is he a victim?
According to Chris Brown, TMZ has been bullying him and is practicing yellow journalism. For those reasons he plans to take legal action and has already contacted his lawyers.
"It's not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars).This is really ridiculous. I have a valid drivers license and I gave the woman the right info. She saw cameras and wanted to make a scene. She contacted the cops thinking of a payday from Chris Brown when I followed the proper procedures. My lawyers will be contacting you. I will not stand for this bullying and yellow journalism!," he wrote on Twitter Tuesday.
As widely reported, the Los Angeles City attorney's office charged Brown with misdemeanor hit-and-run and driving without a license earlier this week. The entire situation stems from an accident in the San Fernando Valley on May 21.
With all of that said, Chris Brown admits that he's made mistakes, but he wants people and organizations, like TMZ, to just let him live.
"I work my ass off to provide for my entire family. I've made mistakes in the past and have worked hard to be a better person. 19-24 years of age. I don't have all the answers and you can't show me a person that age who has it figured out.We live and grow.Let me live!" he added on Twitter.
Closing out his run of Tweets, Chris decided to quote scripture from the bible ("2 Corinthians 12:10:), but that won't stop the proceedings. He is due in court July 15 and could face up to a year in jail if convicted.

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